Sober since April 6, 2006


Saturday, July 29, 2006

bedtime unrest

I'm trying to go to sleep, but feelings of inadequacy are FLOODING.

Why do these feelings always come when trying to fall asleep?

but i'm still grateful for...

  • being 114 days sober
  • the nice people who read my blog
  • my sweet boyfriend, who visited with my family today
  • my great family, who visited with my boyfriend today
  • my little "revelation" today about being powerless over the past
  • God, who sees my inadequacy as potential


Unknown said...

Congrats on now 115 days of sobriety. Just found your blog. Looking forward to getting to know you better.

Have a happy 24!


Anonymous said...

TKD, you are still doing great- soon we will have to call you Aikido junkie! Hang in there, you are a real inspiration!