Sober since April 6, 2006


Wednesday, May 17, 2006

O Appetite, where art thou?

Starting to wonder if I'll ever have an appetite again. I've lost 33 pounds since I stopped drinking in January. The weight loss would have been wonderful if I had lost the weight due to exercise and diet, but that just isn't the case. I simply stopped eating.

I've had nothing but a carrot and a banana today, and I'm FULL. Had to force myself to eat half of a roast beef sandwich yesterday. I just don't want to eat anymore. The thought of food makes me feel sick.

I've talked with other alcoholics about it, but everyone else has experienced the opposite effect -- increased appetite. I guess I'm just weird or something. In the mean time, I'm grateful that my problem isn't in reverse. It's nice to be able to wear my old "thin" clothes again :)

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